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Stop the boredom and have more fun & variety in your daily horsy routine - learn how to teach your horse circensic lessons step by step...

  • Your horse is bored and unmotivated while working with you?
  • Your horse is ill, but you want to keep its head busy?
  • You're looking for a step by step instruction on how to teach your horse circensic lessons? 
  • Do you want to become the next horse show star?
Then this course is perfect for you and all you need!

...and your horse will start to LOVE working together with you! 


You think they're useless, stupid and nothing your horse would ever do voluntarily?

Nah - they're NOT!

Doing circensic training means a lot of fun for you and your horse.

AND - it is natural behavior you can observe in the wild as well.

Like shaking its head, kneeling, laying down, walking with high front legs, and so on ...

12 Months Circensic Online Video Seminar - What's in It for You?

  • 21 Detailed Instruction Videos of 13 Circensic Lessons Plus Basics You Need to Know Before You Start Your Training
    I'll explain to you EVERYTHING step by step
  • e.g. Video "Voice Signals" You Need to Know
    I bet you talk a lot to your horse. Even if they don't understand the words we're saying, they know exactly what we mean, if we introduce different voice signals. I'll show you which ones I use.
  • e.g. Video "How to Get Your Horse Used to the Whip"
    Liberty / circensic training with a whip? Isn't that a contradiction? No, because the whip is not used as punishment, but as an optical extension of your arm. If your horse is afraid of the whip, I'll show you how to overcome this fear.
  • The Videos Are Divided Into 4 Different Modules
    We make sure that you don't overstrain yourself or your horse
  • Audio files: on the road or in the stables!
    As you love to learn about liberty dressage, we have some content as audio files for you. For this reason, you can learn wherever you are.
  • ON TOP: 6 e-books From My Online Liberty Training
    These amazing e-books guide you additionally through the lessons.

Online VideoStream

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Available on smartphone, desktop & tablet!

12 Months Circensic Lessons Online Video Seminar

Lowest Price 

1 Payment


instead of $299

12 Months Circensic Lessons Online Video Seminar


Partial Payment Over 3 Months


14-Day Money Back Guarantee

If you're unsure if my circensic lesson online video seminar is suited for you, you can try the seminar for 14 days - and get all your money back!

If you decide that you and your horse won't gain anything from the seminar (which is hard to believe), write a message to [email protected] and we will refund your money.

Does this sound familiar? 

You don't know the solution to the following training situations with your horse? 

I have the answer for you!


This course will show you ways and possibilities to  have a lot of fun with your horse and to improve your timing.

In addition, it will help you to become more creative in your daily horse training. ?


Maybe your horse is sometimes rather skeptical about you at work?

Then circus lessons are the best solution for you! Because circus lessons make your horse start thinking about work!
Often it takes a while before your horse starts to think.
Before he actively searches for a solution to the task you have set him.

But once he understands that he will not be punished for "wrong solutions", most horses are eager to learn new tricks. ?

YOUR HORSE is anxious? ?

Once your basis is solidified, your horse learns with "exercises in-depth" (e.g. compliment or lying down) that he can feel safe in your presence.

Because you give him bit by bit more security - which subsequently also pays off for all other areas in your everyday life! ?


The advantage of circus lessons: You have absolutely no pressure. Because it doesn't matter whether your horse understands the lessons today or in 8 weeks.

So training circus lessons is your expectation-free playground where you can just have fun and a great time together! ?


In addition, when training circus lessons, you learn to read your horse better and to pay attention to finer signals.
The more complex the lesson you want to teach your horse, the more you have to reward in small steps!
In this way, you not only train your eye for the smallest shifts in weight, but you also train your timing! Because the right moment for the reward is crucial for the speed at which you will progress. ?

    Join my circensic lessons 12-months online video seminar NOW and you will learn ...

    • how you work out the individual circus lessons step by step
    • how to improve the timing for your commands, not only for the circus lessons
    • how you can have an incredible amount of fun in your daily training routine
    • how to motivate your horse (more) and get your horse's attention so that your horse WILL work with you with ease and pleasure
    • how to gain your horse's trust and build an even stronger and more intimate relationship
    • how to become more creative in your everyday training
    • how to use your horse's play instinct to make your training together fun, varied, and very enjoyable
    • how to find your way with your horse
    • how to improve the coordination of your horse at the same time
    • how you can exploit the potential of your horse

    It does not matter what breed or character your horse has!

    Or what character, level of knowledge, or riding style YOU have!

    • no matter if you are a beginner or already advanced
    • no matter whether you enjoy the time with your horse on the training ground at home or in the field
    • no matter if you actively participate in tournament sports at the same time

    Start NOW!

    Choose your registration

    Available on smartphone, desktop & tablet!

    12 Months Circensic Lessons Online Video Seminar

    Lowest Price 

    1 Payment


    instead of $299

    12 Months Circensic Lessons Online Video Seminar


    Partial Payment Over 3 Months


    14-Day Money Back Guarantee

    If you're unsure if my circensic lesson online video seminar is suited for you, you can try the seminar for 14 days - and get all your money back!

    If you decide that you and your horse won't gain anything from the seminar (which is hard to believe), write a message to [email protected] and we will refund your money.

    About me. Kenzie Dysli. Horse trainer.

    My name is Kenzie Dysli, I’m a well-known German-Spanish horse trainer. I’m specialized in liberty dressage as well as working equitation, Doma Vaquera, and western riding. You want to develop a joint language with your horse so that you can communicate with invisible commands? I’ll gladly help you! 

    My inspiration. My teachers. My career.

    I grew up in Spain, on our beautiful Hacienda Buena Suerte. My parents Magda and Jean-Claude Dysli, a famous western rider, taught me a lot about horses while I was growing up. Also, Pat Parelli, known for his natural horsemanship, and Ismael Romero Arroyo, specialist for Alta Escuela and liberty dressage, shared their understanding of horsemanship with me.  

    Despite the human teachers, one of my greatest teachers was my first horse, James. He taught me about the importance of patience and fairness in horse training and I learned how to keep my human emotions out of our training. James and I became very good friends and still are, even though James is now retired. My second horse, the fierce Spanish stallion Atila, taught me how to become the fair leader a horse needs. 

    Nowadays, I’m best known for my liberty dressage that I demonstrate in shows, for example, Cavalluna – Legend of the desert, and movies like Ostwind, Bibi & Tina, and Wendy.

    My passion. My desire. My gift for you.

    I love training horses, but I also love to share my way of horsemanship – my knowledge - with you. Therefore, I invite you to learn from me the beginnings of the liberty dressage with step-by-step tutorials. Starting with the first leadership exercises, important basics in horse training until the actual liberty dressage, where you play without halter or rope with your horse. 

    Become your horse's leader. 

    Become your horse's best friend. 

    Kenzie Dysli

    Kenzie Dysli - known from:

    As horse trainer in the movies:

    Get your 12-months access to the following circensic lessons

    With the help of the high-quality video material, you will learn everything "step-by-step" - explained in detail. From my voice commands to the finished lessons
    (...and you can watch the videos again and again and again for 1 year.)


    The dance floor is open! In step with your horse, it's time to cross your legs. And the exercise not only looks great! By crossing the legs, your horse also stretches additionally and promotes his coordinative perception. Soon he will be able to place each leg independently of the others at a specific point - and remember that he has four legs ?


    + SAY NO

    Teach your horse to shake its head on command. This exercise is a lot of fun - especially if you train your horse to say a word like "Or? Soon you will be able to ask your horse questions in front of an audience, which he will consistently answer in the negative. Laughs are therefore pre-programmed!

    It is important that we never force our horses and that we proceed emphatically during training - because even after this exercise, your horse should still be able to be touched well on the head.



    "Smile please!" - This exercise will have you both beaming in photos soon! To flehm on signal is not difficult at all, because it occurs quite often in the natural behavioral repertoire of our horses. Stallions and geldings are the most likely to flehm, of course, but you can also provoke flehming in mares with a few tricks. Still one of my favorite exercises with my horses!



    This exercise sounds like dancing together - and it is!
    Your horse turns away from you around its axis, until it finally stands in front of you again as at the beginning. The advanced riders build up a lot of speed so that this exercise is more like a jumped pirouette, which is great to watch! Most horses find this incredibly fun! And at the same time, your bond is strengthened because sooner or later the exercise will be asked freely and the horse will consciously decide for you with every turn.



    With this exercise, it almost seems as if you want to put your horse on a small towel. Maybe you know it from the circus, where horses stand on a small platform with all four feet. But this exercise is also very useful on the ground! Not only does it stretch your horse's entire topline and promote coordination & balance, but it also gives your horse a sense of taking more load on the hindquarters. Some trainers even consider closed legs as a preliminary exercise for the piaffe.


    + Plieé

    Time for applause? Even without a big audience, this exercise is the perfect complement to the mountain goat! Because here exactly the opposite muscles are stretched. The bow is also a good pre-exercise for the compliment, to bring more distance between forehand and hindquarters. And who knows? Maybe it won't be long before it's time for a bow at the cheering applause during your trick demonstration ?



    The compliment is one of the first and most important exercises "in-depth" in my course. When your horse is laying down on his "knee" (actually the front tarsal joint) of a front leg, your horse must already trust you well - so you can check your connection with this lesson. And even though the compliment looks rather complicated, most horses learn to "drop" very quickly.

    Besides the visual effect, you do something for your horse's muscles by stretching and strengthening them with this exercise.


    + LAY DOWN

    The supreme discipline among the circus lessons! Because both of you have to be ready for the trusting laying down of your horse! As a flight animal, your horse has no chance to "escape" when lying next to you. Often it takes a lot of time until your horse dares to take this step - but with this step-by-step guide and some tips, you will surely reach your goal. Dominant horses often have a hard time with this exercise - my horse Sasou needed more than 1 year 😉
    Here applies: Good things take time!


    + SIT DOWN

    Sit, Down, Stay! This exercise always causes amused smiles - because you rarely see a sitting horse. In this course, I will show you different ways to teach your horse to hold this position for a while. We are curious to see whether it makes itself comfortable on a bale of straw in the stable afterward ?



    Kneeling is, so to speak, the simultaneous compliment on two sides - and can serve, among other things, as a great pre-exercise for laying down. Many horses like to drop from this position!

    In addition, your horse also learns to handle its weight more specifically and to shift it between forehand and hindquarters.



    In any case, it looks impressive when a horse comes towards you at a Spanish walk with its front legs thrown up! This movement is already inherent in the impertinence of our horses - and many horses therefore also have an incredible amount of fun showing themselves big and full of self-confidence!

    Rather low ranking horses can even grow from this lesson - and gradually even feel more confident and comfortable in their skin!



    Got on the dog? No, many horses have a lot of fun playing fetch! I started rather by chance to let my horse pick up the crop from the ground - quite handy if it falls while riding ? Many horses enjoy taking things in their mouth and carrying them around - retrieving can then channel this need well into meaningful channels!


      In addition, you will receive from my online liberty horse training:

      + MY Voice Signals

      In addition to the "classic circensic lessons", I will also explain to you which voice commands I use in which situations - and how I specifically combine them in various exercises to make myself understood by the horse. Of course, I will also explain to you how to build up the commands. Whether you end up using the same signals as me or others is entirely up to you. It is the idea behind it that counts!


      Horses naturally tend to lean into pressure. From an evolutionary biology point of view, this also made sense: after all, if a saber-toothed tiger had slammed its claws into the horse, the injuries would have been much greater if the horse had gone against the pressure instead of with it.

      In today's training, however, it makes sense to teach our horses to overcome this pattern - and to think before they act. For us humans, in any case, horses are much easier to handle when they yield to pressure instead of going against it. So in this video, I show you how to teach your horse to yield to pressure.


      You may have seen in many of my videos that I always work with a crop. I use it as an extended arm, as a "baton" and to touch certain points on the horse's body that I have previously trained with a certain reaction.

      However, many horses are afraid of the crop because they have already had bad experiences with it. Here I show you how you can take the fear away from your horse. I would not want to do without a crop as an extended arm, especially in free work - and it is also much more relaxed for your horse: Without fear of the crop.


      We all want a relaxed horse at our side, which is best not to be upset by anything - and always stays by our side. Relies on us! Here I show you some exercises on how you can master challenges together with your horse.

      This will not only create a completely new relationship of trust between you, but you will also learn to better assess your horse, as you will be able to handle difficult situations in a relaxed atmosphere and under controlled conditions - so that in the future no tractor, no garbage can, and no landing helicopter will be able to upset you because you can rely on each other 100%.


      Halter, rope, knot halter, caveson ... I'll explain to you step by step what equipment you need and how to use it.


      Your horse must be warmed up before you start working together. I show you how even the warm-up can already improve your relationship.


      Since I work relatively much with food when training the individual circus lessons, consistent education in this area is indispensable! Because we don't want your horse to start begging at some point - or in the end even snapping at you or threatening you to get his food.

      With this little exercise at the very beginning, you can avoid your horse becoming a pocket rummaging "treat monster". Instead, you promote a relaxed atmosphere - in which your horse is naturally also happy about food as confirmation and remains permanently motivated!

      + How to motivate your horse

      Speaking of motivation: Of course, not only treats are a good motivator for your horse to work with you. In this video, you will learn about the different types of horses and how you can motivate them specifically. Because not every horse is equally motivated by a stroke, a treat, or a break. Here you will learn how to keep your horse engaged - and have as much fun as possible in your training together!

      + 6 AMAZING E-Books

      You will receive an E-Book for each of the main lessons to print out and take with you.


      If you're driving, for example, you can listen to the lessons as an audio file on your cell phone at any time.

      Look at what you and your horse can achieve!











      Will the content be completely unlocked immediately?

      When does the online video seminar circensic lessons start?

      How long does the online video seminar circensic lessons last?

      Do I have to be (online) technically experienced or what knowledge should I have to participate in the online video seminar circensic lessons?

      What technical requirements do I need to watch the videos?

      Can I also watch the videos on a tablet or smartphone?

      Can I download or save the content?

      Which horse is suitable for the course?

      Do I have to have my own horse? Can I also participate with another horse?

      I have a young / older horse, can I still do the course?

      Do I need horse experience to participate in the course?

      How often should I train my horse each week?

      Choose your registration

      Available on smartphone, desktop & tablet!

      12 Months Circensic Lessons Online Video Seminar

      Lowest Price 

      1 Payment


      instead of $299

      12 Months Circensic Lessons Online Video Seminar


      Partial Payment Over 3 Months


      14-Day Money Back Guarantee

      If you're unsure if my circensic lesson online video seminar is suited for you, you can try the seminar for 14 days - and get all your money back!

      If you decide that you and your horse won't gain anything from the seminar (which is hard to believe), write a message to [email protected] and we will refund your money.

      No or almost no experience with circensic lessons? Don't worry! 

      My online video seminar shows you in detail from the beginning how to teach your horse circensic lessons. I tell you EVERYTHING you need to know step by step. And you know what? As it is a video course, you can start, watch and replay the lessons as often as you like! 

      You need help?! Don't hesitate to contact us!